professional pilot

What is the Likelihood of Becoming a Commercial Pilot?

The odds are really good if you are starting out now or are in the beginning phases of training. There is a current expected pilot shortage coming very soon and signs are already being seen in some areas. As the Vietnam era pilots reach retirement age or are forced to retire because of medical issues […]

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Best chance to become pilot after getting aviation degree

First let me say getting an aviation degree is a great way to become a professional pilot.  The knowledge and background you gain will be invaluable to you as you move forward in your career.  This background knowledge is one of the key reasons military pilots are so favored by the airlines.  By understanding how […]

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It is not just you

On a  blog, one author shared one of his experiences as a corporate pilot and a flight instructor. He revealed how he loved talking with his passengers. He loved the conversations and the relationship he has with them. He was always asked about his knowledge about flying. Just like with a lot of other pilots, […]

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Should I continue to try and become a professional pilot?

Yes, Yes and Yes. I understand the industry is in an upheaval right now.  Airlines are still going out of business or merging with other airlines.  Jobs are disappearing.  Pay is coming down. It is this way in every industry around the country right now, so take refuge in knowing everyone is wondering the same […]

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