Why I love my life as a pilot

by Devin

Today was one of those days that reminded me why I love being a pilot so much and the schedule.

The weather finally turned nice again in Ohio, it has been down in the 50’s with rain for over a week.  Today was up in the 70’s to 80’s great weather.  And this is where being off all week is so great.  I pulled the kids out of school for the day and we spent the entire day together just the three of us hiking and playing outside.

Everything was empty, nobody around so we had it all to ourselves, absolutely great.

This is a great part of being a professional pilot.  You don’t have to work the Monday to Friday traffic grind like everybody else.  Nope.  I haven’t dealt with rush hour is years.  You are free to enjoy the weekdays.

Every job has its ups and its downs.  The key is to find a job where you love the options it gives you.  Take a greater look at what professional piloting is about and see if it is right for you.


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